When Will I Get My Baby Bonus? ๐Ÿ’ฐ

Greetings to you and your family. Hope that everyone is well and safe. Are you expecting a baby soon? Congratulations! May God bless your family with a smooth delivery and good health to both mummy and baby. As stated by the Ministry of Social and Family Development in their website:

To support couples in their decision to have more children, the Baby Bonus Scheme helps to lighten the financial costs of raising children. The Scheme is part of the Marriage and Parenthood Package and includes a Cash Gift and Child Development Account (CDA) benefits.

Weโ€™ve arranged this FAQ for you to get the information you need fast! #TLDR

*Disclaimer: The following information is correct as at September 2022.

1. When can I expect to receive the first payment? To whose account will it be credited?

Within 7 to 10 working days of your childโ€™s birth registration, or after completing the online form, whichever is later. Some parents have said to receive it as early as on the 4th day. Parents must decide between them who will be the Bank Account Holder to receive the cash gift.

2. How much can you expect to receive?

Parents will receive the Cash Gift in 5 instalments, over 18 months.

Time Amount of cash gift disbursed
First and Second Birth Orders Third and Subsequent Birth Orders
Within 7 to 10 working days from birth registration or joining the scheme, whichever is later $3,000 $4,000
When the child turns 6 months old $1,500 $2,000
When the child turns 12 months old $1,500 $2,000
 When the child turns 15 months old $1,000 $1,000
When the child turns 18 months old $1,000 $1,000
Total $8,000 $10,000

3. Must I apply for the Baby Bonus?

You can submit the online form for your child to join the Scheme as early as 2 months before their estimated delivery date. Please click here for the form.

Alternatively, after delivery, the nurse will advise you to do the birth registration of your child.

4. How many bank accounts will be opened for my child?


Child Development Account
Joint Savings Account with Parent
Personal Savings Account (not listed in iBanking)
Previously, it used to be just two. Do contact your bank for more information.

5. Is CDA First Step Grant and Cash Gift the same thing?

No. Baby Bonus comes in 2 forms.

Funds credited in CDA account can only be used to pay for educational and healthcare expenses of all your children at  Baby Bonus Approved Institutions.
Funds credited into the provided Bank Account Holder as cash gift can be used as you wish.

6. What is Baby Support Grant and do I qualify for that too?

As stated in this website https://www.madeforfamilies.gov.sg/raising-families/baby-support-grant

The Government has received feedback that COVID-19 has caused some aspiring parents to postpone their parenthood plans. To help reassure couples to proceed with their parenthood plans, the Government will provide a one-off Baby Support Grant (BSG) of $3,000, for children born from 1 Oct 2020 to 30 Sep 2022.

7. Where can I get more information on CDA such as CDA First Step Grant,  dollar-for-dollar Government co-matching, what can be paid using CDA or more?



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Aqiqah Carried Out In June 2022 ๐Ÿ

Date Name for Aqiqah Location
1/6/22 Nayla Binte Muhammad Hazali Semarang
3/6/22 Naisya Adeena Binte Azharie Semarang
4/6/22 Hannah Rania Binte Razman Banyuwangi
5/6/22 Fayra Haziqah Binte Hisham Banyuwangi
6/6/22 Faliq Matin Bin Muhammad Faizal Semarang
9/6/22 Umr Siddiq Bin Mubarak Banyuwangi
9/6/22 Qal Isaac Ezra Iman Banyuwangi
10/6/22 Muhammad Rayyan Umar Bin Muhammad Akbar Semarang
11/6/22 Oza Enaayath Binte Maisor Banyuwangi
13/6/22 Nuraa Aafiya Binte Mohamed Farhan Semarang
14/6/22 Nia Amillyn Binte Ardy Nurdjaya Kenya
15/6/22 Nur Athiyah Humaira Banyuwangi
16/6/22 Nur Farzana Zahirah Binte Abdul Mannan Semarang
19/6/22 Ayna Raisya Binte Ashadi Banyuwangi
19/6/22 Anaqi Bin Roslan Banyuwangi
21/6/22 Nuha Binte Muhammad Haikal Kenya
21/6/22 Nur Emma Natasha Binte Muhammad Syakir Banyuwangi
21/6/22 Muhammad Haniff Bin Muhammad Syahir Banyuwangi
21/6/22 Nur Aara Alina Binte Amat Helmi Banyuwangi
22/6/22 Nur Aliyah Binte Muhammad Fuโ€™ad Banyuwangi
22/6/22 Siara Safiyya Binte Ahmad Isa Banyuwangi
23/6/22 Muhammad Sharul Bin Sital Semarang
23/6/22 Sharina Binte Sital Semarang
23/6/22 Shaniza Binte Sital Semarang
24/6/22 Afsana Binte Mohammed Rashid Semarang
24/6/22 Nur Helena Binte Mohamed Shalihin Banyuwangi
25/6/22 Aniq Ariqin Bin Adi Sufian Semarang
27/6/22 Nur Zalifah Insyirah Binte Nazaruddin Semarang
27/6/22 Muhammad Adly Naeem Bin Muhammad Irsyad Banyuwangi
28/6/22 Syarifah Mikayla Binte Mohammad Yuzri Banyuwangi
29/6/22 Alia Sara Bhasith Semarang
29/6/22 Nawwarah Binte Lokman Kenya
29/6/22 Mishari Bin Rashid Banyuwangi
30/6/22 Alara Umair Semarang

Aqiqah Carried Out In July 2022 ๐Ÿ

Date Name for Aqiqah Location
1/7/22 Edrees Bin Dayyan Carrim Banyuwangi
4/7/22 Arfan Bin Amri Kenya
5/7/22 Emaan Alisha Binte Mohammad Jazli Semarang
5/7/22 Danish Ilyasa Bin Muhammad Afeeq Kenya
5/7/22 Dayyan Ilyas Bin Muhammad Afeeq Kenya
6/7/22 Aliya Dania Binti Muhammad Fauzi Semarang
6/7/22 Azhar Bin Mohamad Noor Azrin Kenya
6/7/22 Zahid Bin Mohamad Noor Azrin Kenya
6/7/22 Raeis Bin Mohamad Noor Azrin Kenya
6/7/22 Laylo Kholmirzaeva Kenya
11/7/22 Aliyah Hanna Binte Ammar Australia
18/7/22 Myreen Binti Muhammad Fahmi Semarang
18/7/22 Alyaan Andikaa Bin Muhammad Akid Semarang
18/7/22 Umar Caliph Bin Muhammad Haziq Kenya
18/7/22 Ariq Anaqy Bin Irwandi Kenya
18/7/22 Muhammad Zaiyaan Bin Muhammad Rustam Banyuwangi
19/7/22 Raisa Balqis Binte Muhammad Muhaiyaddin Semarang
19/7/22 Ayra d/o Muhammed Farhan Banyuwangi
19/7/22 Aryan Adam bin Muhammad Riduwan Banyuwangi
20/7/22 Amelia Raiqa Binte Rahmat Hidayat Semarang
20/7/22 Mateen Bin Mohammad Sholihin Banyuwangi
20/7/22 Kyra Masreyna binte Masrezal Banyuwangi
20/7/22 Nafil Ilyas Bin Muhammad Iqbal Banyuwangi
21/7/22 Farel Ilhan Bin Muhammad Farid Banyuwangi
21/7/22 Muhammad Riza Raydan Bin Muhammad Riduan Banyuwangi
21/7/22 Nur Olivia Kamal Banyuwangi
22/7/22 Ayesha Binte Sadik Semarang
22/7/22 Hani Reyhana Semarang
22/7/22 Dilara Thuwaibah Binte Muhammad Haziq Banyuwangi
25/7/22 Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Rabbaโ€™ Semarang
25/7/22 Qayla Qalesya Binte Mohamed Suhaimi Banyuwangi
28/7/22 Aisyah Humaira Binte Abdullah Faqih Banyuwangi
30/7/22 Rayyan Tandian Banyuwangi
31/7/22 Clarissa Binte Muhamad Faizal Semarang


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