Hope that you and your family are all safe and well. It has always been a custom of our community to recite Surah Yaasin and then Tahlil recitations for our loved ones especially after Maghrib on Thursday nights or during ‘Kenduri’ (family feast that include relatives). Have you ever wondered how this practice came about? Is this practice consistent and the same throughout the Muslim world?
Come join us as we explore the meaning of Tahlil and its deep rooted history that most of us might be unaware of. We’ll also journey through uncovering how Tahlil has a cultural importance for the Muslims in our region and how it has evolved over the years. Watch this Facebook premiere in our Facebook page: Islamicevents.sg or Youtube channel: IslamicEvents, Wed 9 March 2022 at 8.00pm.
Aqiqah Carried Out In February 2022 🐐

Date | Name for Aqiqah | Location |
1/2/22 | Hana Ariqa Bte Izzat Faez | Semarang |
1/2/22 | Yaffa Eshal binte Muhammad Azman | Kenya |
3/2/22 | Afiq Uwais Bin Abdillah | Kenya |
4/2/22 | Muhammad Roy Syahid Bin Muhammad Jabbar | Kenya |
5/2/22 | Arissa Mikayla Binte Nash Ezhar | Semarang |
5/2/22 | Afiyah Ufairah Binte Noor Shahrin | Kenya |
8/2/22 | Muhammad Jabir Bin Abdullah | Semarang |
8/2/22 | Nur Aileen Binte Muhammad Ruzaini | Banyuwangi |
11/2/22 | Haikal Aiden Bin Hamzah | Semarang |
15/2/22 | Nur Aaliyah Chia Binte Muhammad Siddiq | Semarang |
15/2/22 | Nawra Insyirah Binte Farhan Alkhatib | Semarang |
15/2/22 | Nur Hidaya Binte Muhammad Kamil | Banyuwangi |
16/2/22 | Nur Amelia Azura Binte Mohammad Fadzilhakim | Banyuwangi |
17/2/22 | Zahraa binte Ashraf | Semarang |
18/2/22 | Ahmad Daeng Idraki Bin Ramlan | Semarang |
18/2/22 | Muhammad Iman Bin Muhammad Frankli | Kenya |
18/2/22 | Asif Bin Mohammad Syahrum | Banyuwangi |
18/2/22 | Muhamad Syamil Bin Mohammad Sahruddin | Banyuwangi |
20/2/22 | Laiq ‘Uzayr Bin Mohamed Shafique | Semarang |
20/2/22 | Nur Aliyyah Zahra Binte Muhammad Zafran | Semarang |
23/2/22 | Muhammad Zamir Bin Muhammad Hafiz Poh | Semarang |
23/2/22 | Ariqin Zafran Bin Muhammad Aminnurrasyid | Banyuwangi |
26/2/22 | Alexander Noah Kunst | Semarang |
27/2/22 | Sofia Inara Binte Eadiv | Semarang |