See this elderly man here?

I could not forget his smile as he received the Qurban meat. This was in the outskirts of Semarang, Indonesia and I was sitting at the back of pickup truck you see on the right. We were just about to leave this place after distributing the Qurban meat to the villagers here. It took us about an hour’s travel from where the sheep was slaughtered up into hills and deep into the villages. People there highly depend on transportation such as motorcycles to get in and out of the village otherwise it would be almost impossible to walk up or down the steep terrains.
Eiduladha might mean differently for all of us who might be among those who can afford and perform Qurban and those who are the ones receiving the Qurban meat. Let’s take this moment to feel and appreciate Eiduladha from the eyes of our brothers and sisters from different parts of the world.


Sri Lanka


Qurban 2021
Alhamdulillah, thank you to those who have entrusted us to perform Qurban 2021 on their behalf. All packages listed in our website and poster below are finalized. Let us Doa to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala that Qurban operations and meat distribution all over the world be carried out smoothly and safely amidst the pandemic. If you haven’t purchased any Qurban package yet, you can do so by pressing the button below.