Admire These Cute Babies! ๐Ÿฃ

Alhamdulillah, many of our Aqiqah clients who received #AqiqahsgRomper as a free gift with every Aqiqah package they ordered, sent us a photo of their cute and little babies donning it. This is part of our #AqiqahsgRomper competition where each month we would reward a lucky winner with $50 NTUC Fairprice vouchers. Since the start of this competition in October 2020, we have already given a total of $500 worth of vouchers to 10 fortunate and happy clients and we look forward to awarding more vouchers to more clients going forward. If you are expecting a child soon and have not engaged any Aqiqah service provider yet, simply engage our service to receive the exclusive design of #AqiqahsgRomper as part of the package and you might also be one of the lucky winners of the $50 vouchers! Press the button below to Order today.


Aqiqah, Tahnik and Cukur Rambut, Umbilical Cord โ€“ Burial

Press the button below to download then share with your family and friends who are expecting parents! You can also simply screenshot the poster below.



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    1. Muslim Grave Cleaning
    2. Doa Selamat and Tahlil
    3. Hajj Badal and more..

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