Did you know that the people of Jahiliyah (during the age of ignorance) performed animal sacrifices like Qurban too? They would place the animal sacrifices, the meat and the blood near the idols in front of Kaabah with hope that ‘God’ accept their sacrifices and prayers. Let’s hear more about this in this short video of Al Fadhil Al Ustaz Zahil Zakaria Al Hafiz reciting Al Quran Al Karim, Surah Al Hajj verses 36 and 37 followed by a brief sharing about the essence of Qurban. Press on the thumbnail image or the button below to play the video.
Home Based Learning Activity
Looking for a home-based activity to do with your kids? Why not get them excited about Qurban with this Augmented Reality activity and use the chance to discuss with them about this Ibadah? To launch the interface on your phone, simply follow the following steps or watch the video tutorial below.
Step 1: Using your mobile device, visit https://qurban.sg. Tap on any animal photos you see. It will load an Augmented Reality camera interface.
Step 2: Use 2 fingers to pinch and adjust the size of the animal or rotate it, use 1 finger to drag and set the position of the animal.
Step 3: Take photo or video creatively and upload it in your Instagram or Facebook Feed and don’t forget to tag us @qurban.sg or simply use the hashtag #qurbansg to join in the fun.
Qurban 2021
Alhamdulillah, thank you to those who have entrusted us to perform Qurban 2021 on their behalf. All packages listed in our website and poster below are finalized. Let us Doa to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala that Qurban operations and meat distribution all over the world be carried out smoothly and safely amidst the pandemic. If you haven’t purchased any Qurban package yet, you can do so by pressing the button below.