Assalamu’alaikum. Oh hello there! Booking for your little one’s Tahnik and Cukur Rambut? Deciding on which Aqiqah package to get? Noticed something different? What could it be?
Check out our new look!
With the aspiration to bring a family and homely-feel to our services, we have decided to spread it to our pages as well. Notice the colours we have incorporated to the whole theme of each webpage.
At Aqiqah.SG, we provide services with relation to newborns. It is sunnah that on the 7th, 14th or 21st day of the child’s birth, parents are to perform Aqiqah, as well as Tahnik and Cukur Rambut. With the purity that a child brings upon their arrival in our lives, we have chosen the theme colour green. Generally green is related to nature; it symbolises growth, serenity and fertility.


Next, Khidmah.SG! Notice something different? Yes! We did not just change our webpages, but as well as our logo. Over at Khidmah.SG, we provide services that is close to the heart; our passed loved ones. The thick font stroke of the letter خ (kho) within a hexagon. It personifies a sturdy composer. As for the theme colour, we’ve chosen the colour blue; it symbolises faith and loyalty. The company’s aim by combining of both the new logo and colour theme is to portray the strength and sturdiness of our faith.


Lastly, here at Souq.SG, our products are health related. Main product will be Zam Zam water. Why you ask? Every year on Hajj period, tons and tons of Zam Zam water are carried back to home countries, by the Hajj pilgrims. Covid has restricted to us to many things, so many changes has impacted us. Not being able to travel to Mekah is the greatest one yet. Nevertheless, we brave on and we inculcate the new norm. Hence, Souq.SG assist in the new norm to be able to get Zam Zam water.Bringing forward the positivity to our theme colour which is yellow. It symbolises happiness, enlightenment, and optimism. What gives you joy more than having good health to enjoy it with your loved ones.

In general, all of us are fighting challenges in life. Despite it all, we have one goal, which is to achieve the best for the life in the hereafter (akhirat). Therefore with these services that is provided, we hope to assist you in the best way we possibly can. We strive to provide quality customer service along with quality products. What you feel matters to us. Let us hear on what you think of the changes that we have made. You can click here to email us at [email protected].