Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and greetings from!
Thank you for opening this email and wish that you and your family are in the best of conditions of Iman and health.
Welcome to our first newsletter. We hope that through this channel we can reach out to you in a more engaging way, with hope that through your feedback, in which you can do so just by replying to this email newsletter, we can improve the standards of Islamic services provided in our country.
We launched Aqiqah in Kenya in January 2020 and Alhamdulillah many parents have registered for this package. This was made possible by partnering a local, Brother Salim, who has a passion for livestock farming and strongly believes in revolutionising how livestock should be treated not just during slaughtering but from the beginning of their lifespan.
He believes when good quality meat is served to the children, the children will in turn are empowered to do better in school. What beautiful way it is to thank Allah Ta’ala for blessing us with the gift of a child than donating the Aqiqah meat to Kenyan children in need. Below are some pictures of our Muslim brothers and sisters in Kenya who have benefitted from the Aqiqah meat.